Description :

SLN. 67 is a type of Heavy Duty Cutter Suction Dredger are in production to meet an assortment of jobs in accordance with the conditions of the dredging project that is in want, so operating costs have become more efficient and more economical.

The Ability Of :

  • Hull SLN. 67 is divided into 3 side (1 center hull and 2 side hull) with the aim of facilitating transport for of a project into another project by road.
  • SLN. 67 in design with Knock Down system with the aim to facilitate Unloading Dredger.
  • Install All the main equipment and Auxiliary equipment at the SLN. 67 designed specifically for the operation of dredging with a variety of terrain especially for very heavy terrain
  • SLN. 67 in design for Multi terrain, investment for SLN. 67 is a very efficient and economical in the appeal another dredger in his class
  • depth of dredging, Waste specifications and other Distance him from SLN. 67 can match up with consumer demand and location dredging.
  • all the tools designed for the job field conditions with heavy dredging and able to dredge for various types of dredging material such as: sand, mud, clay soil, soil padas and others her.
  • All equipment in the system with hydraulic movement of the operator with the point of view 360 º